Monthly Archives: June 2012

Green Bay Cellcom Marathon 2012

The Green Bay Cellcom Marathon took place here in Green Bay a couple weeks ago.  This event has become huge in the past year with almost 10,000 runners running the event.  This year, as in previous years, I tagged along with a buddy of mine and official photographer for the race Mike Roemer.  Along with helping Mike during the day with his shooting duties, I shot some video with my Canon 1D mark IV.  I’ve been trying to get more proficient with video since I see it as something that us still-photographers will be asked to do along with shooting photos on jobs.  I will be the first to admit, I have a long way to go but going out and shooting is the only way to learn to do it better.

One of the bummers during the day was the race officials having to shut down the race about halfway through due to the unseasonably warm temperatures.  Only a hand full of runners continued on through the course and crossed the finish line as most just dropped out after hearing the course was closed.  This cut down on the different amount of opportunities we had to shoot the runners throughout the course.  I would have liked to have gotten some better footage at the finish line, with more runners crossing the line, but unfortunately that didn’t happen.  Well, there is always next year.  I hope you enjoy the video.  Let me know what you think with a comment below.  Thanks for looking.
